Learn More About Oregon PTA
WLWV School District School Board
WLWV School District
Upcoming Events
March 11th - General PTA Meeting 6pm at the Willamette Garage
March 10th-14th: FOREST FLYERS (Volunteers Needed)
March 17th-21st: BOOK FAIR (Volunteers Needed)
April 14th-18th: FOREST FLYERS (Volunteers Needed)
May: TBD Art Literacy Volunteer Training
May 16th: Adult Social at The Oswego Hills Winery
May 19th-23rd: FOREST FLYERS (Volunteers Needed)
May: TBD: Art Literacy Lesson
Week of June 2nd: Forest Flyer Marathoners Recognized at Assembly with Medals
Welcome to the Trillium Creek PTA!
Thank you for stopping by! TCPS PTA strives to be an inclusive and welcoming organization. We actively live our mission every day, to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Please read PTA’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We hope you will join us in making TCPS the best it can be!
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 PTA Board Members
President- Sarah Thorson
Co-Vice President- Julie Swander
Co-Vice President- Brittany Simpson
Co-Vice President- Annamarie Martinez
Co-Treasurer- Desiree Punch
Co-Treasurer- Nicole Stroup
Co-Secretary- Miranda Butler
Co-Secretary- Missy Corwin
Board Advisor- Samantha Barr
Volunteering News!
“Volunteer. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - Arthur Asche
Chairs Needed:
Green Team - Co-Chairs
If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, including in the classroom or field trips, be sure to get registered with the HelpCounter system. Doing so is required in order to volunteer (even if you were entered into the system in years past). Beat the crowd, get it done today at https://www.helpcounterweb.com/ci/volunteer.
2024-2025 Annual Giving Fund!
Business Partnerships for Sponsorships!
This year the PTA is trying a new, more streamlined approach to fundraising partnerships. We are looking for "whole school year" partners that would help support all events and activities the PTA funds. There will be different levels of advertisement for your business and specific events your business can participate in.
Businesses interested in a new opportunity to advertise to school families and their community, please reach out to the PTA Vice Presidents at vicepresident@trilliumcreekpta.org Thank you so much for all your support!
Green Team Plastic Recycling!
Did you know our Green Team participates in two plastic recycling programs to help keep hard-to-recycle plastics out of landfills? We participate in NexTrex and the Bic Recycling program through Terracycle. NexTrexd recycles plastic bags, including grocery bags, Ziploc bags, produce bags, and many more! Bic Recycling recycles glue sticks, markers, pens, and more! Check out this flyer for more items recyclable through these programs: Plastic Recycling Specifics.
NexTrex collection bins are located at the front entry of the school Bic Recycling/Terracycle collection bins are located in classroom neighborhoods. West Linn Parks & Rec has collection bins at the Adult Community Center for recycling razors, oral care items, and Tom's of Maine hygiene items as well. See the Plastic Recycling Specifics link above for more details.
PTA Clothes Closet of Clackamas County! Donate your Gentle Clothing!
The PTA Clothes Closet of Clackamas County accepts donation of clean, new, and like new clothing for youth ages 5-18 years old. Please do not include non-clothing items like water bottles and lunch boxes. Donations can be brought to the Jennings Lodge School office during business hours. Monday - Friday 7am - 5pm. Download a flyer
Skip the bake sales and selling cookie dough or wrapping paper door-to-door! By giving just one donation, at the beginning of the school year, provides programming for students all year long! Suggested donation is $150 per student. Please give to our Annual Giving Fund and support our students and staff! Check out Fundraising News and Community Rewards to learn more easy ways to give.
I Want to Support TCPS Students by Giving to Annual Giving Fund!
2023-2024 PTA Membership!
Show your support for our students, staff, and families through a 2023-2024 PTA Membership. Check out all the additional membership perks on our PTA Membership Benefits page! Sign ups begin July 1 and you can help TCPS earn a Membership Award from Oregon PTA!
I want to Support TCPS Students by Joining PTA!
Trillium Creek Primary School PTA Mission Statement
To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, and community.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, and social education.