A Local PTA Leader Kit containing recruitment ideas and other materials to use throughout the school year
Various resources on family engagement programs, fundraising, working collaboratively and much more
Select resources developed in collaboration with PTA’s national partners
Access to grants to support programs and events
Our Children magazine, PTA’s flagship publication with parenting articles by experts on children's health, education, and well-being; and information on advocacy efforts; the latest news that affects children and youth
Online parenting resources, including Our Children Online Magazine
E-newsletters on legislative issues
Exclusive National PTA member benefits and sponsor offers
Leadership training opportunities in-person and online
Discounted member rate for PTA’s annual national convention, magazine subscriptions, and more
The PTA Takes Action Network, connecting you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools, and families
Pass to Adidas Employee Store for Oregon PTA members.
Your membership fee supports PTA mission implementation, such as advocacy at school district, state and federal levels. It also supports National PTA school programs like Reflections, School of Excellence, and others. It helps to defray the cost of trainings provided by Oregon PTA, as well as the National PTA Leader Kit, e-learning courses, and resource for parents and educators.
Like and follow us on Facebook to keep up on the latest news and events! Search for Trillium Creek Primary School PTA.
Did you know we have an Instagram page now? Follow "Trillium Creek PTA" on Instagram to get updates and info regarding TCPS PTA events.
Whether you your student is in the classroom or WKOA, stay connected with your home school! Sign up for the TCPS weekly e-newsletter called the Trillium Tweet! Create your listserv profile and add TCPS!
Introducing Thrive: PTA’s New Learning Community
This just in! We’ve launched a brand new online learning community for volunteers. Thrive brings PTA leadership development to you with engaging, short courses. Take training at your own time and place with Thrive. Learn more today!
New Podcast Episode: How to Talk to Your Kids About Gun Violence
After the horrific events in Ulvade, Texas, we are revisiting Notes from the Backpack episode 14--How to Talk to Your Kids About Gun Violence. Dr. Edith Brach-Sanchez shares how to have open and honest conversations with children about lockdown drills, school shootings, and the emotions that come along with these topics. Listen Now.